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Google Workspace

Simplify the management and control that you maintain over your Google Workspace instance with BetterCloud

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Streamlined policy orchestration

Improve security for your domain by creating workflows to automatically resolve alerts, enforce policies in real-time and log actions taken for compliance audits.

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Email forwarding

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File sharing permissions

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Blocked / unblocked list

Visibility into your Workspace environment

View and manage all of your Google Workspace users, admins, groups, OUs, Drive data, calendars, sites, and third-party applications from a centralized org-wide dashboard

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Enterprise data protection

Search files for personal information and take immediate action on documents that are not properly secured so you can stay in compliance

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Transfer document ownership

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Change all editors to viewers

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Remove all collaborators

View All Applications

BetterCloud makes it easier, faster and less costly to build and maintain workflows with native support for more than 70 of the most popular SaaS solutions